Main Menu

FEMS Resources, Tip Sheets, and Training

FEMS Administrators Tip Sheets and Information
FEMS Basics
FEMS Overview
FEMS Terminology

FEMS Frequently Asked Questions

Overview of FEMS Claims

Sessional Claims

Expense Claims

Supplier Claims

Create Engagement Activities

FEMS Advanced
How to Add a User to the MSA

How to Add a Supplier to the MSA

How to Activate an Expired Member Account

How to Update a Member Account

How to Change a Member's Method of Payment

How to Handle Claim Adjustments

How to Handle Information Required Claims

FEMS Financial
How to Approve Claims - Executives

90 Day Claim Submission Deadline

How to Sign Up for VoPay

Medical Staff - How to Get Paid
STEP 1: Register in FEMS

​Register in FEMS (via Mobile App)- click here to download







​Register in FEMS (via Desktop)- click here to download

STEP 2: Signup For VoPay

Signup for VoPay

STEP 3: Submit Your Claim

Submit your Claim (via Mobile App)- click here to download











STEP 3: ​Submit your Claim (via Desktop)- click here to download